Gucchi gay anime couples

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Soap writers took great care to groom their next supercouple long before the first were concluding their arc in order to maintain a certain amount of Unresolved Sexual Tension. These storylines, if successful, gathered high ratings and press attention for their show. Often Alice would be subjected to an attempted or actual rape along the way, usually by her villainous husband. This marriage would quickly fall apart and after some more adventures, Alice and Bob would reunite and marry. One half of the couple (usually Alice, but sometimes Bob and occasionally both) would then marry the Romantic False Lead. For example: Alice and Bob, a pair of Star-Crossed Lovers, would fall in love after a short period of Will They or Won't They?, but a misunderstanding would drive them apart. Other Soaps, most notably Sister Series All My Children and NBC's Days of Our Lives quickly sought supercouple pairings of their own, eventually leading to a standard formula for the phenomenon that was repeated endlessly during the 1980s.

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